MediaSignage SmartScan feature release, bug fixes
- MediaSignage SmartScan official release - Automatically send player screenshots to be analyzed for visual issues. SmartScan can find and report if a player is not displaying properly entirely, or if a part of the screen is not correct. SmartScan continues to learn and improve overtime and adapts to each customers' unique layout and content.
- Player Download CSV file now includes player Serial Number
- The Player details page will now display when a player has reformatted a USB drive
- The SSO SAML info page has been updated to reflect recent changes
- Support has been added for SAML SLO (Single Logout)
- Saving content from a Content Template now allows for setting the duration, start date/time and end date/time during the content preview process
- Account Admins can now set a content duration limit for content that will prevent a Location Admin from setting a duration past that amount
- Content Templates will now display a list of fields that can accept text input
- When multi-selecting items in a table, some action buttons will now become inactive to prevent confusion around which buttons can be pressed during the mult-select process
- The Key value has been removed from Datafeeds. It is now auto generated by the system.
- Fixed an issue where the Assign Content feature stopped working for some users
- Fixed an issue where Bulk Update of Players stopped working
- Fixed an issue where large player software updates would sometimes not upload properly
- Fixed an issue where the USB storage amount would sometimes not report properly
- Fixed an issue where duplicate names for a schedule or a program could be used
- Improved some filtering aspects with the Players table
- Fixed an issue where the the TV Issue flag was not being set properly, when reported by the player that the HDMI cable was unplugged
- Fixed a visual issue where long content names caused the UI to not be formatted properly
- Fixed an issue where the start and end times of a playlist were duplicated if the playlist was copied
- Fixed an issue to prevent special characters from being uploaded into file names. Those special characters will be removed from the filename. They will still exist in the content name field for that piece of content.
- Fixed an issue where the navigation back to the schedules table page from a schedules page was not working properly
- Fixed an issue where manifest files would change timestamps incorrectly at time
- Fixed an issue where a Playlist showed a start/end time in a Program
- Fixed issues where player counts were not calculating properly at times
- Fixed an issue where the cancel button on the Group Settings page would go to an error page
- Removed the auto-fill option for dates under User add area
- Fixed an issue where the count of Users with Attributes was not being calculated properly
- Fixed an issue where the player manifest file would not be updated after changing settings
- Fixed the 'After Sign out URL' functionality
- Fixed an issue to make the default page for Location Admins the content page for their Location

Testing Complete
March 28, 2022

Heroku Released
April 11, 2022

Azure Released
April 12, 2022
Last Modified
May 10, 2022