Improvements to the Player Update area, Download of Player data and other updates
- Player Sub Types are now assigned to Players, in addition to a Type
- Player Sub Types can now be used to help organize and assign correct Player Software Updates
- Player Download Percentage is now an available column to view in the Players Table
- Account Admins can now download a CSV file of all Player data/details
- Improved Search has been implemented, to hide non matching items instead of just highlighting matching items
- Search by Serial Number for players is now available
- Account Admins can now hide the Messages Area if not needed
- Editing a Custom Setting for a Player is now available
- Deleting multiple screenshots at once for a Player is now available
- Content Upload page now has a Cancel button available
- Select All in tables is now available
- List of available Countries in Player Edit has grown
- Content Contributors can now add folders in the Content area
- Copying a Schedule is now available in the Schedule table page
- The Account List for an Organization Admin is now alphabetized
- Tags assigned to a Location are now visible on the Locations Page
- Player Updates now allow for an update classification, either MediaSignage, OS or System
- Removed the Next/Previous buttons when only a single piece of Content is being created from a Content Template
- Made some UI improvements in the new Program area
- Added Bulk Actions to the Program area
- Ruby version running on a Player is now displayed in the Player System area
- Updated the instructions on Player Bulk Update to be more clear
- Fixed some issues around pagination when deleting a Playlist
- Fixed an issue where a negative value could be saved in the Placeholder Limit field
- Fixed an issue where the Content table Settings area was not working properly for Content Contributors
- Fixed an issue where filters were not working properly on the Playlist page
- Fixed an issue where the wrong icon was being used for the HDMI content type
- Updated the share icon for Content
- The top bar now handles longer Account names better
- Fixed an issue where Content Contributors could incorrectly favorite a piece of content
- Fixed an issue where the player SAN value was not being saved correctly
- Fixed an issue where a Playlists Content and Play Time values were doubled when the Playlist was duplicated
- Custom Settings are for Players now handles long values better
- Fixed some issues around dates not showing correctly at times in the Schedule area
- Fixed an issue where tags were not saving properly during the Content Upload process
- Fixed an issue where Location import would not work properly at times
- The Player Count on Player Group Folders displays larger numbers better now
- Fixed an issue where the resize handles were missing on Content Templates
- Fixed an issue where start and end times were not being passed down to the player properly for Local Content
- Fixed an issue where content assigned to a Group would incorrectly show in the Assigned content for that Group
- Improved and fixed some bugs to the Bulk Update function in the Player area
- Fixed an issue where players would not always be notified of a new software update
- Removed the unneeded 0's after the decimal point in the Layouts area
- Fixed an issue where Content Assignment was not working properly when assigning the content to a lot of Locations
- Removed Bandwidth Limit, Local Still Duration and Local Content PW from the Player Settings area, as those values are no longer applicable
- Fixed multiple issues around Player Deletion
- Fixed an issue where a Program might display an error icon for a Playlist even though content is assigned
- Fixed an issue where new Messages for a Location would update the Location Manifest file incorrectly
- Updated Player Settings labels. Media Manage Content -> Local Content, VOD Media Manage Content -> VOD Content
- Fixed an issue where Content Count total for a Location was not calculating properly
- Fixed an issue where Group Content Count total was not calculating properly
- Fixed an issue where the Tags panel would not display properly during Content Upload
- Fixed an issue where Tags were sometimes not displaying properly for a Player
- Other bug fixes and improvements

Testing Complete
December 7, 2021

Heroku Released
January 5, 2022

Azure Released
January 6, 2022
Last Modified
January 7, 2022