- Bulk Update in the VOD assign area is now possible. A CSV file of Locations and/or Groups can be uploaded to be able to assign the VOD group to multiple Locations/Groups.
- Displayed dates and times in the UI are now displayed in the users timezone.
- Fixed an issue where the playlist total count were not calculating properly
- Fixed an issue where messages were showing on the Locations page when not active
- Updated a setting label to properly label it as Default Schedule instead of Default Program
- Fixed an issue where content with an apostrophe would upload properly, but a thumbnail would not get created properly
- Fixed an issue where the Program list on the Content details page could display improperly
- Fixed the filter options in Players, Content and Playlist areas to more accurately filter according to what was selected
- Fixed an issue where inherited custom settings would sometimes not get removed properly for a player
- Fixed an issue where the search capabilities would not work properly sometimes within folders
- Other general bug fixes and improvements

Testing Complete

Heroku Released
September 27, 2021

Azure Released
September 29, 2021
Last Modified
December 15, 2021