The Program area received a new and improved UI/UX in this release
- There are more details around programs on the main program page, with active/inactive displaying.
- While editing a Program, the page has been improved, separating out Playlist and Data feeds into logical sections
- Playlist editing now mimics the main Playlist UI
- Data feed sections has been improved to provide more details
- There is now a visual indicator to communicate what area of the screen a Playlist or Data feed will display on the screen
- Layouts now have additional information added to them to assist on the visual indicator mentioned above
- Fixed an issue where tags were not being saved/assigned properly during content upload
- Fixed an issue where timezones where being passed down to players with Content start and end times. This would cause the player to not start/end content properly.
- Fixed an issue where an error might show when adding content to a playlist.
- Fixed an issue where the Bulk Upload of Locations did not work properly on Windows machines.
- Fixed an issue where MSPlayers would sometimes not delete properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Locations table was not sorting properly.
- Fixed an issue where the user list for a location would not display properly at times.
- Other general bug fixes and improvements

Testing Complete

Heroku Released
September 8, 2021

Azure Released
September 9, 2021
Last Modified
December 15, 2021