1 min
- Hughes NE’s can now set a different Account Name during an MGS migration than having to use the Network name on the MGS.
- Fixed an issue where the Dashboard would not be displayed properly if a starred item was deleted.
- Fixed an issue where Local Playlists could get into an error state when content was deleted.
- Fixed an issue where Tags were not being saved properly on Content Templates when a new Content Template was created.
- Fixed an issue where Account Admins would see Location Folders in the Add Content area, when those folders should have been hidden.
- Fixed an issue where a Content Template would not delete properly for some users.
- Fixed an issue where setting a Timezone for a Program was not working properly on the MediaSignage Players.

Testing Complete
November 2, 2020

Heroku Released
November 2, 2020

Azure Released
November 2, 2020
Last Modified
August 2, 2021