3 min
Adding functionality for player bulk updates, universal time support, and much more
- Bulk Update of Players
- You can now multi select or upload a CSV file of players and add/remove tags or change the time zone to all players.
- Universal Time support for Programs/Schedules
- You can now set a program to start/stop at a universal time or just use the local time of the MediaSignage Player (MSP).
- Move player to a different Account or Organization
- Organization admins can now move MSP’s to a different Account within their organization if needed.
- Hughes support can move MSP’s to different organizations if needed.
- Copy content to different account
- Admins can now copy content to a different account.
- The quick publish schedule button will now remember the last schedule published.
- Multi-select of MSP’s is now possible in the Software Update page.
- If a MSP is assigned to use internal storage, that MSP will not be flagged with the USB Unplugged flag anymore
- You can now favorite more items to show them on the dashboard.
- Server update notification
- Hughes can now notify users of important system updates with a message on the login screen.
- Hughes support can now move accounts to a different organization.
- Improved migration poxy settings
- Fixed an issue where the Schedule name assigned to the MSP was not displayed properly in the Players table
- Fixed an issue where VOD count was displayed wrong on the dashboard
- Programs now display content files alphabetically
- General System improvements to improve stability
- Fixed an issue where location users saw tags
- Fixed an issue where the apple logo was being displayed for all player types in the schedules area
- Fixed an issue where a trailing space in a Program name could cause issues on the MSP
- Improved the search functionality for content in the Program area
- Fixed an issue where the edit button on the Schedule Calendar page would not always work
- Fixed an issue where monitor controls did not always work properly
- Fixed an issue where a user could input a negative value in the Randomize Heartbeat value
- Fixed an issue where a user could input negative values in Cache and Registry Retry
- Repeated programs until date will now end on the date selected instead of the date before
- Fixed the players column in the Schedules table
- Fixed some icons to make sure they were display properly
- Fixed playlist count issues
- Fixed an issue where a data feed would not delete properly for some users
- Fixed an issue where a folder was not able to be deleted after delete all the content in the folder
- Fixed an issue where a default message would not be displayed for a location
- Fixed an issue where some location users would see options for content that only applied to admins
- Fixed an issue where deleting a video would not remove it from an assigned VOD group
- Fixed an issue where group folders did not show the proper number of players assigned to the group
- Changed the name of NEP ID to SAN
- Other general fixes and improvement

Testing Complete
July 6, 2020

Heroku Released
July 10, 2020

Azure Released
July 20, 2020
Last Modified
August 2, 2021