2 min
Incorporating MediaManage functionality to the MediaSignage Server
- Hughes MediaManage Server integration with the MediaSignage Server
- MediaManage (service allowing for distributed content management) is now part of the MediaSignage Server. No longer are they 2 separate system.
- Video OnDemand
- Video OnDemand is now part of the MediaSignage Server
- Ability to create custom VOD groups and assign those groups to individual players for VOD playback
- There is now the ability to customize which columns you want to see for each table. This is user specific.
- Favorite items
- You can now favorite a Content, Playlist, Program, Player or Group.
- When you favorite an item, it will show up on the new Dashboard (see below)
- We added a dashboard
- Once you login, you will see the new dashboard. Favorited items will show on the dashboard for easy access to that item.
- The dashboard also has notifications which will list the activity that has been happening in your account.
- Reports
- The same reports that were present in MediaManage are also available
- We updated the reporting system to allow for new reports to be created in the future easily
- Migration script from MediaManage
- We can migrate all your content from MediaManage so you don’t have to re-enter them
- Support for single sign on applications (SAML 2.0). Okta has been tested and works great.
- Ability to tell the LG SmartTV to use Internal Storage instead of USB drive
- Small bug fixes to improve stability
- MediaSignage Player v8.2 or later needed on each device for the screenshot capabilities to work
- MediaSignage Player v8.3 or later needed on the LG SmartTV for the Internal Storage to work

Testing Complete
December 19, 2019

Heroku Released
January 7, 2020

Azure Released
Last Modified
August 2, 2021