- Role Based Access Control is now available
- Each Organization can create custom Roles
- Roles can be create to view/edit all areas within the MSS
- Roles can be assigned to any user
- Improved loading on content within Content Template previews
- Users and Employees (users who cannot login) are now separated within the Users area.
- Improved password change feature
- Fixed an issue preventing duplicate organization names
- Improved the dashboard experience and favoriting
- Fixed an issue where the search functionality didn't always work with Messages
- Removed search in Datafeeds
- Improved schedules and removed extra 'add day' row
- Improved custom settings user interface under Players
- Removed the port requirement for Live Stream
- Improved the Account Edit page and image icon
- Fixed an issue where editing a schedule would return a message saying there is a conflict when a conflict didn't exist.
- Improved Content Template Add feature
- Improved Lock All Properties within a Content Template
- Fixed an issue where assigned content didn't always display in the Assigned Content table for a Group
- Improved content folder counting
- Improved pagination for Content Templates
- Fixed an issue where player type in the player table didn't always show all available player types.
- Improved user profile image displaying
- Sorting by User last name will use first name for sorting when the users last names are identical.
- Improved Automated Content and date ranges
- Improved Integrations with Start Date and Birthday, to make sure they work properly when those values are missing
- Limited Content Automation values to be within normal range (Months and Days)
- Fixed an issue where a duplicate Schedule name error was shown when no duplicate was found
- Improved the Content Template area when editing values and clicking way from that value
- Fixed an issue where VOD videos would change order when a new video is added.

Testing Complete

Heroku Released
November 13, 2024

Azure Released
November 12, 2024
Last Modified
December 2, 2024