- New Tables now provide a tool tip on truncated fields
- There is now the ability to copy a Program
- TV Issue flag will now be set if the TV is ON or OFF differently that what Monitor Control states it should be doing
- In the Program area, Schedule names now link to the Schedule area
- Added a new area under Players -> System -> Errors. Displays the 10 most recent Javascript and Ruby errors from the player as applicable
- Added a new column in the Local Playlist Changes report that reports which Content Template was used to create the piece of content
- Removed the Download CSV and Bulk CSV Update menu options in a Group Sub Menu area
- Schedules are now listed Alphabetically in the Publish Now shortcut area
- Cleaned up the storage of extra player events data not needed
- Fixed an issue where SmartScan totals could be off at times
- Fixed an issue where only the most recent SmartScan screenshot is displayed per player
- Fixed an issue where the USB Unplugged flag count would display wrong at times
- Improved Account Deletion
- Fixed an issue where the Local Content playlist could be out of date at times
- Fixed an issue where Player Count totals could be wrong in the Schedules area
- Fixed an issue where a Player could be listed in 2 different Schedules in the Schedules area
- Improved the reporting and display of USB and Internal Storage values
- Improved linking to Favorite items on the main page
- Improved displaying of Favorite items on the main page
- Improved Player Table linking, using the whole row as a link, similar to how the old table worked
- Fixed an issue where drag/drop of players into folders was not working
- Fixed an issue where the Program Name was being displayed instead of the Layout Name in the Program area
- Fixed an issue where the default image duration was not working properly for Groups
- Improved catching bad CSV files being used for Location Import
- Fixed an issue where the Player Group would not delete properly at times
- Improved readability of Player tags in the Players table
- Fixed an issue where the size of the Player was not always displayed properly in the Program Area
- Improved user delete functions
- Improved Content Template Usage report
- Fixed an issue where SmartScan thumbnails displayed in the wrong ratio

Testing Complete
December 30, 2022

Heroku Released
January 9, 2023

Azure Released
January 10, 2023
Last Modified
January 9, 2023