- Image display duration and max duration can now be set per Content Template
- Drag and Drop is now supported within a Content Template for all image placeholders.
- Tags in the Player area now display which tags were inherited by the Player and which are directly assigned to the Player.
- Single Sign On Updates, supporting unique customer ID field
- Smart Playlist have 1 as a default value in the Number of Times field
- Player Storage reporting values now consistent with storage graph
- Clicking on headings in SmartScan area will now filter results
- Player download CSV file now has created at value
- Implemented an error capture page to help display and report possible server issues
- Fixed an issue where the Content Duration value couldn't be changed after upload/creating
- Fixed an issue where Group Admins couldn't add content to their playlist
- Fixed an issue where the Players table was not paginating properly
- Improved Player Filter functionality
- Fixed an issue where a new Player couldn't be opened in a new browser tab
- Made some improvements with the tile counts for Locations/Users in the Group area
- Fixed and issue where the time would display in 24hr format when AM/PM was expected
- Fixed an issue SmartPlaylist start times were not sorted properly at times
- Fixed an issue where the Dashboard would refresh when a Favorite item was removed
- Fixed an issue where the Player Table wouldn't sort by download percentage properly at times
- Fixed an issue where a SmartScan image would display in the account more than required
- Improved the display of Locations in the User view if the user was assigned multiple locations
- Fixed an issue where the Player check-in frequency could be set to less than 1
- Fixed an issue where SmartPlaylists would not play properly if configured a certain way
- Fixed an issue where the video action menu would not be active at times in the VOD menu

Testing Complete

Heroku Released

Azure Released
Last Modified
October 6, 2022