1 min
To better manage what is being displayed an admin can now take a screen shot of their players and anytime from any location.
- Screenshots
- Ability to ask a MediaSignage Player to take a screenshot
- Ability to see all screenshots taken for a specific player
- Ability to ask a group of players (which could be all) to take a screenshot
- Ability to see the latest screenshot for a group of players
- Ability to schedule a player or group of players to take a screenshot at a future date/time
- Recurring rules also apply to screenshot schedules
- Ability to select either universal time or local time for scheduled screenshot
- Small bug fixes to improve stability
- MediaSignage Player v8.2 or later needed on each device for the screenshot capabilities to work

Testing Complete
October 1, 2019

Heroku Released
October 1, 2019

Azure Released
Last Modified
August 2, 2021